Friday, June 8, 2012

Growing Up

Sent my oldest off on his 9th grade dinner cruise in Seattle tonight. All the kids who I've seen since he was in 2nd grade have grown up so much. Young ladies in heels & dresses with their hair all done. Young men in suits & ties all about 6ft tall. I was just amazed & very proud mom as I dropped Hunter off for his night of fun.

Then I came home to round up all of Jacob's friends for his 10th birthday sleepover. My youngest is getting so big as well. As he said no more single digits for me soon !

Birthday money from Ommie & Pawpaw. He was super excited! He got tickets to a Sounders game in July when dad is home from mom & dad. No birthday cake until dad arrives home safe he said, so we hope to have the cake soon!
It's fun & exciting to watch all my boys growing up. But it really does go so fast. Not sure where all the time has gone.

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