My soldier & I have been married for 19 years but together for 21. We met through my brother at his wedding & that was it- we where both hooked. I have four adorable ,crazy,rambunctious boys living in our house - five if you count my husband. I am seriously out numbered but that's OK because it means I am the Queen.
We started our Army life in Kentucky at Fort Campbell then headed to Fort Wainwright,Alaska & have spent the last ten years at Fort Lewis, WA. I have gone through two year long deployments ,one thirteen month deployment & am currently DONE with deployment number four.
My passions in life that are just for me are reading, I love to read anything I can get my hands on and the boys will let me most weekends. Working out- is my favorite. Some days it hurts to get up and go do a workout but after wards I feel unstoppable as a mom & wife. It helps take my stress away & keeps my body healthy in order to keep up with my crew of boys who rarely sit still. I began running Obstacle runs back in 2010 & never looked back. I am not the fastest girl in the race but I bet I'm the one cheering the loudest for every single girl brave enough to try. During Deployment #2 I went back to school sort of & worked on getting my personal trainers certification through ISSA. Finished everything but the final, because well life happens. It helped me learn so much more about what my body is truly capable of doing. Now I love to spread the word & have an active group of SAHM's working out regularly in our neighborhood. My workouts I tend to think "outside the box" so that I can succeed in my races & improve everyone's over all fitness level. My boys have recently taken an interest & that make me extremely happy. I hope I am setting a good example for them on what a healthy active women looks like.
**I went back to teaching 3rd grade at a private Christian school in the Fall of 2015**
My biggest passion is my love of Christ. I try very hard to teach my boys that they can do all things with Christ as their guide. I drive on Sundays almost forty-five minutes with my boys to attend our church. We chose to move but we love our group of christian friends so I refuse to leave. They have helped me many times when the husband is gone stay strong. Nothing like a good song service & bible study to remind me I am never alone even when Paul is gone. If my boys all find good christian wives to marry who are healthy well then that will be the cherry on top of my already blessed life. I pray for it every night.
That folks is just a little bit of what you'll find in my sometimes mindless ramblings of this BLOG. I do hope you stick around for the up coming roller coaster ride of my life.
Here is the page to more of my background story if your interested Enjoy :My Army Life and another link for a little Newspaper Article - #1 on me. Newspaper Article - #2
on me- did I mention I LOVE to organize just about anything.