Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Keeping My Promise

Making the first Blog entry of 2014- keeping my promise to Blog more.....

Happy 2014, I can hardly believe it's a start to a whole new year already. At times 2013 seemed to fly by and at other times just drag out. I know that is normal for every year , but hear lately it has flown by with lightning speed. The next 48 hours could really seriously slow down to a snail's pace for me & the family. We had a  lot of fun at our annual PJ New Year's Eve party staying in our neighborhood close to home. We had good food, drinks,laughter, & a seriously strange new board game to try last night. The kids loved running around blowing the party horns that once again all the adults questioned "why" we buy them every year, way to loud! I loved that Paul was home and able to spend the start of his year with us & his friends. Overall a wonderful night that was the perfect way to usher in 2014 & all the fantastic opportunities that lay ahead. We hope you all enjoyed your New Year's Eve whether it was spent at home quietly or even at a huge event with fireworks. Remember today is a new start to a new year. You can choose to make the year whatever you like. I plan on making it fun & exciting for our boys while Paul is in Egypt. Hopefully take a couple road trips , pick up Balto from TN, and just enjoy the life God has blessed me with. Blessings to you all in 2014!!

The silly flash got Paul, we had just arrived so it was still way to early for this look he is giving -haha

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