Well since I kissed Paul goodbye for his week long fishing trip yesterday I have had to answer the question repeatedly " How are you OK with him going on a guy's fishing trip for 6 days of his leave? I would NEVER let my husband do that on his leave!". I listen then I answer with a very honest answer that make some agree he should go & others just shaking their heads stating again" No WAY my husband would get to go!".
1. Paul has worked at times for 13 months w/out a vacation day or seeing his family thus resulting in him having over 112 days of leave (vacation time).
2. I don't know ANY civilians who have that many vacation days stored up who volunteer to work instead of having a day off. I mean really some times they take a couple days off every month . Not Paul- not ever!
3.He had a half day schedule during the Holidays & he had all last week off to spend at home with the family.
4. He deserves a nice relaxing time & to him being freezing cold in the river somewhere is relaxing.
5. He will come home from this trip as a better husband, father, & soldier because he had time to "disconnect" for a few days from our reality.
6. We don't tell eachother we are doing something no questions asked. After 17 years together we ask, discuss, & compromise in our marriage. It works for us!
I know Paul is leaving in a couple weeks for a Japan trip & then on to Afghanistan in the summer. I also know that he gives me opportunities to have girl time or alone time. So why would I not want to do the same for him, when he asks if it would work out for our family for him to take a trip? He comes back relaxed & ready to face whatever comes our way. That makes for a great home life & that is all I want. For our time we do have as a family together to be filled with love & laughter.
Any veteran Army wife knows as well- sometimes you are ready to kiss them goodbye for a few days. Not that you don't love them, but you have become very independent while they are away . Having them home 24/7 is a bit strange & can really mess with your daily routine.It gives us time to get back to our reality.
Love you babe & I hope you bring home a lot of fresh fish to fill our freezer XOXO
You're a strong woman, Amanda.
Thanks for this reminder that our husbands need a break too.
<3 Betsy
This is true, about being ready for them to go away for a little while. I love love love my husband oodles and oodles, but I don't mind that he goes to FTXs here, Blackhawk training there... We like getting the opportunity to miss one another, now and then. (Obviously, deployments are "missing" on crack and I don't look forward to that, but the shorter periods are fine.)
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